A 7-month-old is still learning the ropes of this whole sleep thing. They now recognize day and night and, you’re sleep coaching, they may internally understand when they’re tired and how to self-soothe. But they’re still learning, and so are you – and that’s totally normal!
To help you navigate your 7-month-old’s sleep, we’ve compiled expert answers for some of the most common questions about a 7-month-old’s sleep, including “What is a 7-month-old’s sleep schedule?” or “How long should my 7-month-old nap?”
To learn more about your baby’s sleep joruney and step-by-step guidance on how to sleep coach your baby, download the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™.
The Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ is a comprehensive and easy-to-use app that walks you through the entire sleep coaching process, helps create your baby’s sleep schedule, and includes mini articles on a range of topics, from how to nap transition to how to sleep coaching in day care.
It’s extraordinary – and extraordinarily effective: within a week most users see their babies falling asleep faster and sleeping for longer.
A 7-Month-Old Sleep Schedule Example
Here are two sample schedules for a 7-month old baby. At 7 months, your baby's sleep schedule may become more regular. Your baby may take 2 to 3 naps a day and stay awake between 2-3 hours at a time. Keep in mind that there's a lot of variability, so use this schedule as a guide.
Your baby’s unique, so when determining their sleep schedule, focus less on the specific clock times and more on your baby’s wake windows – the amount of time your baby is awake between naps or their last nap and bedtime. – and sleepy cues: the things your baby does when they’re tired, like yawning or rubbing their eyes.
Though some 7-month-olds are still good with 3 naps, others may be nearing their 3-to-2 nap transition.
You can tell a baby is near a nap transition when they resist their last nap, have trouble falling asleep at their normal bedtime, wake up in the night, or – and this is our favorite – your baby misses a nap and isn’t fussy.
Tip: While these sleep schedules for a 7-month-old are just examples, the wake window information is accurate. Use the wake window times here to help your baby get the rest they need.
Sample Sleep Schedule for a 7-Month-Old Taking 2 Naps:

Sample Sleep Schedule for a 2-Month-Old Taking 3 Naps:

How many total hours should a 7-month-old sleep each day?
In total, a 7-month-old should sleep for about 14 hours over a 24-hour period. This includes their overnight sleep and their naps.
Sleep is important for your baby for a few reasons: sleep is when their little bodies grow, and sleep helps strengthen learning and cognitive abilities, and provides emotional balances. And these benefits extend for years to come – click here to read about how sleep coaching sets your baby up for success.
Can a 7-month-old baby sleep through the night?
Yes – most 7-month-old babies sleep through the night, though some may still need night feedings.
A baby is more likely to sleep longer at night with sleep coaching, though.
Sleep coaching helps babies sleep longer at night for two reasons:
- Sleep coaching works with your baby’s circadian rhythm to consolidate their sleep at night.
- Sleep coaching strengthens your baby’s natural ability to self-soothe. This means that your baby can more easily soothe themselves back to sleep if they wake up at night, rather than crying out for you. That means more restful sleep for them, and for you!
For more information on how sleep coaching works, and step-by-step guidance customized for your baby, download the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™. This easy-to-use app helps you teach your baby how to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer – a skill that sets them up for optimal development and growth for years to come!
How much should a 7-month-old sleep at night?
Aim for about 11-12 hours of sleep each night to support your 7-month-old’s physical, emotional, and mental growth.
How much daytime sleep for a 7-month-old?
Your 7-month-old should sleep 2-3 hours each day spread over 2-3 naps.
Note: If your baby is taking 3 naps, expect the third one to be short.
Do 7-month-olds nap transition?
Yes, 7-months is a common time for the 3-to-2 nap transition. The signs your baby is ready for the 3-to-2 nap transition are the same as with the 4-to-3 nap transition:
- Your baby begins to resist their final nap.
- Your baby’s final nap is shorter
- Your baby struggles to fall asleep at night or wakes in the night
- Your baby misses a nap and isn’t fussy (Again, our favorite!)
What is a 7-month-old’s wake window?
The wake window for a 7-month-old is about 2 hours 15 mins. to 3 hours 30 minutes between sleeps! Can you believe how far your baby has come in such a short period? And there’s more changes to come – your baby’s wake window will continue to grow as they do. (Stay on top of your baby’s sleep schedule with the Smart Sleep Coach’s 1-click sleep tracking tool.)
Is there a 7-month-old sleep regression?
Sometimes, yes. While some baby’s regress around 6 months and others 8 months, regressions can take place in the 7th month. There are a few reasons for this:
New Skills: As ever, your baby is learning new skills at a rapid rate. In addition to learning how to transfer objects between hands and rolling over both ways, many 7-month-olds are leaning into crawling. This is all very exciting and can disrupt a baby’s sleep around 7-months. (Read more about your baby’s month-by-month developmental milestones here.)
- How to Encourage Crawling: If your baby is sitting and seems ready to crawl – they’re leaning forward more – you can encourage your baby to crawl by placing an object they like on the ground a few feet in front of them. Your baby may lean toward it and – wow! Just start crawling.
Eating Solid Foods: Speaking of exciting, your baby is eating more solid foods at 7-months – all these new flavors and textures are pretty incredible. If your baby is like us, they may wake up thinking about food from time to time! Luckily, your 7-month-old can self-soothe themselves back to sleep, especially if you’re sleep coaching with an app like the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™. Your baby’s enjoying new flavors and tastes – that’s exciting!
Teething: Teething can be uncomfortable, which can distract your baby from sleeping. Some tried-and-true methods for helping a teething baby sleep include: a gentle gum massage, non-gel teething rings, and/or a chilled fruit or a metal spoon.
- Teething Tip: Wipe excessive drool with a soft cloth – otherwise your baby may get drool rash.
For more guidance on sleep coaching and how to help your baby sleep for longer at night, check out the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™. We’re really proud of this app and how much it’s helping parents understand and manage their baby’s sleep. We hope you have similar success!