Your toddler grows and changes every day – and that includes their sleep schedule.
For example, the wake window for a 6-month-old is far different than that of a 12-month-old or a 19-month-old. To take the guess work out of sleep schedules and to help you ensure your 19-month-old gets the rest they need, we’ve compiled expert answers to the most common questions about a 19-month-old’s sleep schedule.
Sleep coaching goes beyond just the first few months; it’s a process that unfolds over the course of a few years. To keep your baby on schedule, or to get started sleep coaching, download the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™.
In addition to 1-click sleep tracking that automatically updates your baby’s sleep schedule as they age, the Smart Sleep Coach offers customized sleep coaching methods, mini-articles explaining the science of sleep coaching, and incredibly effective meditations to help you stay calm and centered throughout your sleep coaching journey, and beyond!
A Sample 19-Month-Old’s Sleep Schedule
Here’s a recommended schedule for a 19-month-old. Usually, a 19-month-old takes one nap a day, staying awake for 4-5 hours. With continued growth and changes, your toddler's schedule may look different, and that's okay!
Your toddler is unique, so when creating their schedule, focus less on specific clock time and more on your toddler's wake windows and sleepy cues.
Wake windows are the amount of time your baby is awake between sleeps. Sleepy cues are the signs your baby’s tired, like yawning.
By using these two elements together, you can help shape your baby’s natural sleep rhythm to optimize their rest and nourish their physical and mental development.
The Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ teaches how to harness these two elements and align them so your baby learns to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
Sample Sleep Schedule for 19-Month-Olds with 1 Nap:

Can a 19-month-old baby sleep through the night?
Yes, most 19-month-olds who have been sleep trained can sleep through the night. This is because sleep training both creates a sleep schedule that matches your baby’s circadian rhythm and because sleep training teaches your baby to self-soothe themselves back to sleep if they wake up at night.
If you haven’t started sleep training, it’s never too late: simply download the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™, enter some basic information about your baby, and this easy-to-use app will guide you every step of the way.
How many hours should a 19-month-old sleep each day?
Experts agree that most 19-month-old should sleep 13 hours over a 24-hour period. This includes night and daytime sleeps.
How much nighttime sleep does a 19-month-old need?
Aim for 11-12 hours of sleep every night for your 19-month-old.
How much daytime sleep does a 19-month-old need?
After completing the 2-to-1 nap transition around 12-months, a 19-month-old should take 1 mid-day nap lasting about 2-3 hours.
Why do Toddlers Still Need Naps?
In addition to providing rest that helps them grow and prevents fussiness, naps provide babies with NREM Sleep.
NREM sleep is one type of sleep. REM is the other.
While REM sleep builds learning and cognitive skills, NREM sleep helps with memory consolidation. In other words, it helps your baby process and learn all they observe while they’re awake.
Both REM and NREM sleep appear at night, but NREM sleep appears earlier in a baby’s sleep cycle, which means naps provide additional NREM that helps your toddler develop mentally.
What is a 19-month-old’s wake window?
Experts agree that 5 hours to 5 hours and 45 minutes is a good wake window for 19-month-olds.
Is there a 19-month-old regression?
Though there is not technically a 19-month sleep regression, many 19-month-olds may still be experiencing their 18-month regression, which can last 2-6 weeks. Fear not, with consistency and some patience, your baby will get back on track.
Do 19-Month-Olds Have Separation Anxiety?
Yes, many 19-month-olds experience separation anxiety. This is because babies often experience two distinct bouts of separation anxiety.
The first bout of separation anxiety in babies typically arises around 8-9 months. This is when your baby develops the concept of object permanence: they now understand that if they can’t see you, you’re somewhere else.
The second bout of separation anxiety appears between 18-24 months. Now your baby understands you’re somewhere else and that you’re doing something else. They wonder what you’re doing, who you’re doing it with, and when you’ll be back – this can disrupt sleep if it happens at night.
Luckily, both bouts of separation anxiety can be dealt with easily:
Peek-a-Boo: “Disappearing” behind your hands and “reappearing” moments later is more than just silly fun. This classic game subtly teaches your baby that you will always be back for them and that being “alone” isn’t so scary after all.
Play “I’ll Be Right Back”: A “larger” version of peek-a-boo, this “game” has you tell your baby “I’ll be right back” and then step out of sight. One minute later, you reappear and cheer, “I’m back!” Then, for the next round, you extend your “away time” to 2 minutes, then 3 minutes, and so on… By lengthening the amount of time you’re gone and returning with an enthusiastic cheer, you can help increase your baby’s “alone stamina.”
Independent Play: Another great way to minimize separation anxiety is by encouraging independent play around 6 months. At that point, most babies can play alone for 4-5 minutes without becoming bored or frightened. By one year, that amount of time grows to 10 minutes. In addition to teaching your baby how to be alone without worry, independent play also increases focus, imagination, and attention span.
Comfort Toys: While babies less than 1 year should never have a stuffed animal or blanket or even pillow in their crib, toddlers can sleep with a comfort object if it helps keep them calm at night.
For more on sleep regressions, please read our article on why sleep regressions happen and how to handle them.
How to Deal with Nighttime Protests
It’s common for 19-month-olds and other toddlers to verbally protest bedtime – one of the many ways their nascent independence will shine in these months.
Though bedtime protests can be frustrating, and you may be tempted to give in “just this once,” we urge you to maintain a consistent bedtime schedule. To avoid or minimize protests at night, try extending your bedtime routine with another story to increase sleep drive.
Also, you can make your baby feel more involved in the process by asking them to select their books, pajamas, or lullaby. If your baby refuses to participate, make the selection for them, and move on.
What if My Baby Has a Nightmare?
Some toddlers will experience nightmares. Though these can be scary for them, you can minimize nightmares by…
Maintaining a Steady Sleep Schedule: Sudden shifts in your baby’s sleep schedule may lead to bad dreams.
Choose Appropriate Bedtime Stories: If story time is part of your bedtime routine, be sure to read stories without any scary scenes or children in peril, as these can lead to bad dreams.
Respond at Once: We often suggest waiting a moment before checking on a crying or moaning baby at night – and that is typically the best route – however, if you know your baby is crying from a nightmare, go in and gently rouse them if you can.
Discuss The Nightmare: While your toddler may not be able to verbalize their nightmare, asking them to describe it and/or reminding them it was just a dream and can’t hurt them.
What if My Baby Has a Night Terror?
Night terrors are a bit different than nightmares: whereas nightmares happen when your baby is firmly asleep, babies with night terrors can be in a semi-conscious but unresponsive state. Signs of a night terror include:
- Crying uncontrollably
- Physical signs like sweating, shaking, or hyperventilating
- Eyes wide with terror
- Kicking or screaming
- Glazed, open eyes
- Your baby pushes you away
If your baby has a night terror, do not try to wake them up. Do, however, go into their room to make sure they don’t thrash around or hurt themselves by accident. Though night terrors are rarer than nightmares, they can persist for months or even a few years. There isn’t a quick “cure” for night terrors, but sleep training can help by building up sleep drive enough to overcome such disruptions.
For more information or assistance on any sleep problem or question you have, download the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™. It offers a comprehensive, 360 view of the science behind your baby’s sleep while offering step-by-step guidance through the sleep coaching journey, from start to sweet dreams.