Automatically renews until cancelled
Your next billing date is June 17th, 2022
• iOS: visit the App Store
• Android: visit the Google Play Store
Frequently Asked Questions
If you purchased your subscription through our website, here’s how to cancel your subscription:
- In the options above, click on Manage subscription and follow the on-screen instructions.
- You’ll be redirected to, our secure payment partner, who handles all transactions.
- Click on Cancel subscription and follow the steps to finalize your cancellation.
If you subscribed through the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, follow the platform-specific instructions to cancel your subscription:
If you purchased your subscription through our website, please reach out to our team by filling the form on this page. Our support team will assist you with the refund process.
If you purchased your subscription through the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, you can follow these platform-specific refund instructions:
Yes, we offer three types of subscription plans: monthly, quarterly, and annual plan.
If you purchased your subscription through our website, please reach out to our team by filling the form on this page. Specify what change you'd like to make and our support team will assist you.
If you purchased your subscription through the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, you can follow these platform-specific instructions:
iOS App Store
- Open the Settings app on your phone
- Tap your name, then tap Subscriptions
- Select Smart Sleep Coach
- Tap See all plans and choose the option you want
Google Play
- Open the Smart Sleep Coach and tap on the Menu icon at the top left of the screen
- Select Account, then Manage subscription
- Tap Change plan, then choose the option you want
- Tap Update plan to confirm your choice
If you subscribed through the website, here’s how to update your payment method:
- In the options above, click on Update payment method.
- You’ll be redirected to, our secure payment partner, who handles all transactions.
- Click on Update payment method and enter you new payment information.
If you subscribed through the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, follow the platform-specific instructions to update your payment method:
We’re sorry to hear you were charged unexpectedly! Sometimes, time zone differences can cause these timing issues, so we recommend canceling your trial a day before it ends. But no worries, we’ve got you covered!
If you purchased your subscription through our website, please reach out to our team by filling the form on this page. Our support team will assist you with the refund process.
If you purchased your subscription through the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, you can follow these platform-specific refund instructions:
Note: If you see a pending charge on your bank account during your Google Play trial, this is a pre-authorization. As long as your subscription is canceled before the last day, the charge will be removed.