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The App To Solve
‍Your Baby’s Sleep

Everything you need to transform your baby’s sleep.
By Pampers.

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Welcome to Smart Sleep

We know that

one size
fits none
every baby
is different
every situation
is different
one size
fits none
one size fits none
every baby is different
every situation is different
one size fits none

Smart Sleep solution is a deeply custom approach that puts your baby’s unique sleep challenges at the heart, carefully crafting personalized sleep plans completely tailored to your baby (and you).

Backed by experts, Based on science, Loved by parents.

Backed by Experts, Loved by parents

Thousands are getting
their sleep back

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Books & Courses

Tracking with
Pen and Paper

Just One Simple App.

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How It Works

Fully custom sleep plan,
that grows with your baby

Smart Schedule that
predicts optimal sleep times

Exclusive expert content
to reach sleep success

Step-by-step guidance,
every step of the way

Try It Free For 7 Days

No commitment. Cancel anytime.

We want all our users to be completely satisfied with their purchase, that’s why we offer a no obligation 7-day free trial with both our 3-month and annual subscription packages.

With this free trial, you’ll get full access to the app features and content, so you can experience the product firsthand!

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Our Experts

Meet the
Zzzz Team

Dr. Craig Canapari

Chief Pediatrician

Father of two and a Pediatrician who specializes in the care of babies and children who are experiencing sleep issues. Director of the Pediatric Sleep Center and author of ‘It’s Never Too Late to Sleep Train’.

Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ excited me because it can help parents better understand their baby's biological sleep patterns.

Mandy Treeby

Chief Baby Sleep Consultant

Mom of two, co-founder of the Smart Sleep Coach and a Pediatric Sleep Consultant. In working with parents & babies around the world she wants to make quality baby sleep coaching available to all.

I’m so excited to launch the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ App, equipping parents with practical, effective tools and knowledge to set their baby up for sleep success!

Better Sleep
Starts Today

With the smart sleep assessment

It all starts with you and your baby.
Our assessment will tailor a solution that based on your specific needs, and fit your style.

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Sara & Ali

Ali (15 months) would fight bedtime every night, and frequently woke up, crying unless rocked back to sleep.

Plan #3VBR0

Tara & Oliver

Oliver (5 months) would only fall asleep while feeding, Tara needed a break from the night wakings.

Plan #8Q3G

Chelsea & Lucas

Lucas (5 months) often woke at 4am and didn't settle down until 9 or 10pm for bed.

Plan #CTK6

Sandra & Riley

Sandra needed to go back to work, Riley (8 months) couldn't fall asleep alone.

Plan #4B71

Better Sleep
Starts Today

With the smart sleep assessment

It all starts with you and your baby.
Our assessment will tailor a solution that based on your specific needs, and fit your style.

Start Consultation
Sara & Ali

Ali (15 months) would fight bedtime every night, and frequently woke up, crying unless rocked back to sleep.

Plan #3VBR0

Tara & Oliver

Oliver (5 months) would only fall asleep while feeding, Tara needed a break from the night wakings.

Plan #8Q3G

Chelsea & Lucas

Lucas (5 months) often woke at 4am and didn't settle down until 9 or 10pm for bed.

Plan #CTK6

Sandra & Riley

Sandra needed to go back to work, Riley (8 months) couldn't fall asleep alone.

Plan #4B71


We’re here to answer your questions

No hay problema, puedes actualizar la aplicación con sus siestas de guardería cuando lo recojas y Smart Sleep Coach se actualizará automáticamente para ti.

Los hábitos de sueño saludables pueden comenzar el día que traes a tu bebé a casa desde el hospital. Nuestra herramienta de programación está diseñada para alinearse con los ritmos naturales de sueño de tu bebé y apoyarte a medida que crece. El sueño es un viaje que recorrerán juntos. Todo, desde crear una rutina para la hora de dormir hasta un entorno de sueño ideal, puede prepararte para el éxito en el sueño desde el principio. Alrededor de los 4 meses, puedes enseñar a tu bebé a dormirse de forma independiente. Es una buena idea consultar con tu pediatra si tu bebé está listo antes de comenzar este proceso.

Empezarás a ver mejoras en el sueño en cuestión de días. Métodos comprobados combinados con tecnología avanzada podrán alinear el sueño con los ritmos naturales de tu bebé, y las notificaciones estarán ahí para mantenerte en el camino correcto. ¡Vale 100% la pena!

Tomamos lo mejor de lo que hay en el mercado hoy en día y lo pusimos en una sola solución basada en una aplicación. Combinando ciencia del sueño comprobada con potentes herramientas de IA para ajustar y optimizar automáticamente los tiempos de sueño para que coincidan con los ritmos naturales de tu bebé. ¡Eso es lo que nos hace tan innovadores!

Muchos padres que usan el Smart Sleep Coach consistentemente informan mejoras en el sueño en tan solo 7 días. Pero, por supuesto, cada bebé es diferente, por lo que es difícil dar una respuesta perfecta.

Sí, el entrenamiento del sueño es seguro y saludable para tu bebé, está científicamente comprobado. Al construir una base de hábitos de sueño saludables para tu bebé, estás fomentando el desarrollo de su cerebro y cuerpo, comportamiento y aprendizaje. Incluso puedes reducir el riesgo de obesidad.La aplicación Smart Sleep Coach fue desarrollada junto con el Dr. Canapari, un pediatra especializado en el cuidado de niños con problemas de sueño, Kylee Money y Mandy Treeby, ambas entrenadoras de sueño muy solicitadas, y consultoras de sueño pediátrico, y Yael Shy, entrenadora de mentalidad experimentada.Nuestros planes de sueño personalizados utilizan métodos comprobados que son tanto seguros como efectivos para mejorar el sueño de los bebés.

Puedes cancelar en cualquier momento, y mantendrás acceso hasta el final de tu periodo de suscripción original o hasta el final de tu prueba gratuita. Todas las transacciones y reembolsos son gestionados por la Apple App Store o la Google Play Store.Para cancelar tu suscripción en la Apple App Store: 1. Abre la aplicación de Configuración. 2. Toca tu nombre. 3. Toca Suscripciones. 4. Selecciona Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™. 5. Toca Cancelar Suscripción. Puede que necesites desplazarte hacia abajo para encontrar el botón de Cancelar Suscripción. Si no hay un botón de Cancelar o ves un mensaje de expiración en texto rojo, la suscripción ya ha sido cancelada. Para cancelar tu suscripción en Google Play: 1. Abre la Google Play Store. 2. Toca el Menú (3 pequeñas líneas horizontales) y luego Suscripciones. 3. Toca la suscripción que deseas cancelar. 4. Toca Cancelar suscripción. 5. Sigue las instrucciones en pantalla.

Yes, sleep training is safe and healthy for your baby, it’s scientifically proven. By building a foundation of healthy sleep habits for your baby you’re nurturing their brain and body development, behavior, and learning. You can even reduce the risk of obesity.

The Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ app is powered by science, backed by experts and personalized. Our app was developed together with Dr. Canapari, a pediatrician who specializes in caring for children with sleep issues, Kylee Money & Mandy Treeby, both sought-after sleep coaches, and pediatric sleep consultants and Yael Shy, experienced mindfulness coach.

Our custom sleep plans use proven methods that are both safe and effective at improving babies’ sleep.

Sleep coaching is the process of helping your baby fall asleep independently, so they can fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and put themselves back to sleep if they wake up during the night.

You will start to see sleep improvements in a matter of days. Proven methods matched with powerful technology will be able to line up sleep with your baby's natural rhythms, and notifications are there to keep you on track. It's 100% worth it!

We took the best of what's on the market today and put it into a single, app based solution combining proven sleep science, with powerful AI tools to automatically adjust and optimize sleep times to match your babies natural rhythms. That's what makes us breakthrough!

Many parents who use the Smart Sleep Coach consistently report sleep improvements in as little as 7 days. But of course, every baby is different so it’s hard to give a perfect answer.

Healthy sleep habits can begin the day you bring your baby home from the hospital, our scheduling tool is crafted to align with your baby’s natural sleep rhythms and support you as they grow. Sleep is a journey you’ll go on together. Everything from creating a bedtime routine and an ideal sleep environment can set you up for sleep success from the beginning.

By around 4-months old, you can teach your baby how to fall asleep independently. It’s a good idea to check with your pediatrician if your baby is ready before starting this process.

No problem, you can update the app with their daycare naps when you pick them up and the Smart Sleep Schedule will automatically update for you!

Yes, you can cancel at any time, and you will maintain access until the end of your original subscription period or until the end of your free trial.