If there’s one truth about babies, they’re constantly growing. One day they’re sleepy newborns, the next they’re toddlers on the move – so, what are the steps between?
How does a baby develop from newborn to toddler, and what are babies’ developmental milestones by month? This article explains it all!
Regardless of your baby’s age, one of the best ways to support development is through sleep training. A simple process, sleep training teaches your baby to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer – and the easiest way to sleep train is with the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™.
Developed by pediatric sleep experts, the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ includes a 1-click sleep tracking tool that automatically updates your baby’s sleep schedule as they grow and can customize sleep coaching methods for your baby’s unique sleep habits. It’s incredible – and incredibly effective: most users see results in one a week or less!
A Newborn’s Developmental Milestones:
Newborn-4 Weeks:
It may seem all your newborn does is sleep and eat. In reality, they’re achieving their first milestones:
Rooting: Your baby will turn their head if you stroke their cheek or touch their mouth.
Sucking: While babies naturally know how to suckle, it may take a few weeks for them to really get the hang of it. (Note: Wait to introduce a pacifier after at least one month.)
Moro Reflex: Your newborn can’t control their limbs yet. This can lead to some involuntarily twitching. This is called the Moro Reflex – it’s completely natural and can be reduced with swaddling.
Gripping: Your baby may grip begin to grip in these early weeks – one of many milestones to come.
A 1-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
Chubby Cheeks: Your baby is growing very fast – and that’s why they put on that “baby fat.”
Improved Tracking: A 1-month-old is better at tracking objects – and you – more with their eyes.
Kicking: A 1-month a baby may start kicking and stretching their legs. Sometimes their arms, too.
Distinct Cries: Crying is your baby’s go-to form of communication, and around now their cries begin to differentiate into “hungry cries,” “sleepy cries,” etc. Luckily, there are many ways to soothe a crying baby .
A 2-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 2-Month-Old’s Emotional Milestones
Responding to Your Face: You may notice that your 2-month-old begins to calm down, smiles, or even laughs a little when they see you or someone else they like, though this “social smile” may happen later. Either way, it’s a sign it’s a time to start thinking about sleep coaching, which begins around 4 months.
A 2-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
Reacts to Noises: A baby’s hearing improves around 2 months, so play music or a baby sound machine at a baby-safe level.
Babbling and Other New Sounds: Most 2-month-olds begin to babble to communicate.
A 2-Month-Old’s Sensorial Milestones:
Improving Sight: Where a 1-month-old baby likes simple colors and stripes, 2-month-old babies can now focus on spirals and more intricate patterns.
Tracking Objects: A 2-month-old’s tracking abilities are improved, too.
Focus: A 2-month-old can focus on an object for longer.
A 2-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Heads Up! A 2-month-old may hold up their head when they’re on their tummy for tummy time.
Incredible Growth: Most 2-month-olds gain weight and height fast – about 1.5-2 lbs. and 1-1.5 inches in each month. If your baby isn’t gaining weight, consult with your pediatrician.
Baby Nail Growth: If you’re wondering “When should I trim my baby’s nails,” now is the time.
Soft Spots Harden Up: Soft spots toughen up around 2-months, too, but still be extra careful handling your baby.
Leg Work: A 2-month-old baby’s legs are strengthening, and they’ll often kick them out – a small action that lays the groundwork for walking.
For information on a 2-month-old’s sleep schedule, read A 2-Month-Old’s Sleep Schedule: What to Know .
While it’s too early to sleep train at 2-months, you can lay the foundations for future success with the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™.
A 3-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 3-Month-Old’s Sensorial Milestones
Eyesight Improvements: Most 3-month-old’s eyes can now make out more distinct patterns, such as circles and spirals. Improve your baby’s eyesight with colorful, multipatterned posters or mobiles.
A 3-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
“Baby Conversations”: Around now many babies babble and mimic conversation. Support your baby’s language skills by talking and reading to them whenever possible.
Smiling Big – and For a Reason: Around your baby may exhibit their first truly social smile: a smile in response to someone they see, probably you. This is a sign they recognize patterns – a key skill before starting sleep coaching.
A 3-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Body Control: Three-month-old’s have more control over their arms, legs, and head, especially if they’re doing tummy time.
Heads Up: Some babies lift their heads at 2 months, but for others it’s around 3.
Reaching Out: With more limb control, your baby may start reaching for objects, too.
Kicking Out: Kicking can start here, too.
Click here for details on a 3-month-old’s sleep schedule .

A 4-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 4-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Sitting: Most 4-month-olds can sit on their own and support their own head.
“Asking” For Food: Many 4-month-olds open their mouths to signal hunger.
Grabbing – and Tasting: Your baby can grasp objects now – and many of those objects will end up in their mouth. Keep a watchful eye!
(Maybe) Rolling Over: Thanks to tummy time, your baby may have the strength and coordination to roll over one way - a sign it’s time to stop swaddling .)
A 4-Month-Old’s Sensorial Milestones:
Sight-Seeing and Tracking: Your baby’s distance vision is improving at 4-months, as is their ability to track movement with their eyes.
A 4-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
More Mimicry: Language mimicry improves around 4-months, meaning “babble” takes on new rhythms and cadence.
“Cooing” Conversation: A 4-month-old practices “conversation” by cooing in reply to what you say. Help your baby’s communication development by talking and reading to them.
For insights into a 4-month-old’s sleep schedule – and information on why 4 months is the perfect time to start sleep coaching with the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™, click here .
A 5-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 5-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Growing, Growing, Growing: By 5-months most babies are double their birth weight. This rapid rate of growth will continue up until 12 months, when baby growth begins to slow.
A 5-Month-Old’s Sensorial Milestones:
Seeing Colors – and More! A 5-month-old can typically respond to colors and patterns. Develop your baby’s eyesight by looking at picture books with fun, colorful patterns.
A 5-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Making Moves: Your 5-month-old may be able hold up their head, sit up with support, and move their legs and arms. If they haven’t rolled over one way yet, they will soon.
A 5-Month-Old’s Cognitive Milestones:
Cause and Effect: A baby this age is learning cause and effect. For example, they learn that a dropped item makes a sound. This is exciting to them, and most babies will explore what they hear, so keep a watchful eye on your little one
A Little Conversationalist: Your baby’s conversational skills are improving. You may not understand every word, but you may start tom understand some rhythm and meaning in their babbles.
Read A 5-Month-Old’s Sleep Schedule for information on a 5-month-old’s sleep patterns.
A 6-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 6-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Teething Begins: Wow – could that be a tooth peeking out of your baby’s mouth? It could be – many babies begin teething around 6 months!
Note: there is a wide age variation when it comes to teething. so don’t panic if there are no visible teeth yet.
Rolling Both Ways: Many 6-month-old babies have the strength and reasoning to roll over both ways.
Sitting Solo: Many babies can sit up on their own around 6-months. It’s alright if your baby isn’t there yet, though – remember, this isn’t a milestone checklist.
“Reading”: While your baby can’t read yet, they will likely help you flip through the pages of a book.
A 6-Month-Old’s Sensorial Milestones:
“Eagle” Eyes: By 6-months your baby’s distance vision will improve. Continue helping your baby’s eyesight develop by engaging them with colorful, multi-patterned images.
A 6-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
Expanding Vocab: Talking is a few months off – but your baby may try to say new words.
Following Instructions: Many 6-month-olds can follow simple instructions, such as “give me the ball.”
A 6-Month-Old’s Cognitive Milestones:
Points at Objects: Pointing to objects shows your baby’s vocabulary, memory, eyesight, and physical movement are all coming together.
Mimicry: Babies learn by mimicking what they see or hear, and that’s evident this month, as most babies begin using a cup and attempting other actions they see often.
Name Recognition: A very exciting 6-month-old milestone is they recognize and respond to their name.
For information on a 6-month-old’s sleep schedule, read our piece on the topic .

A 7-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 7-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Rapid Growth Continues: Your baby’s rapid growth continues into their 7-month, gaining about another 1-1.25 lbs. At this point, many babies are more than twice their birth weight!
Incredible Coordination: Watch for these 7-month motor skill milestones:
- Transferring an object between hands
- Rolling over both ways!
- Leaning forward while sitting – a great first step before they’re crawling.
How to Encourage Crawling: Place an object they like a few feet in front of them, such as a teddy. This encourages them to lean forward – the first step in crawling.
A 7-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
Mimicry Becomes Imitation: Verbal mimicry becomes more organized imitation around now, so listen as your baby babbles seem to resemble actual words. Encourage this behavior by saying what they say and then offering the correct version. For example, if your baby says “dah” for “dog,” say, “yes, dah – dog!”
Distinct Cries: Your baby’s cries become more specific around 7 months – a perfect time to brush up on the many ways to soothe a crying baby .
Learn about a 7-month-old’s sleep schedule in this article .
An 8-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones
An 8-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Double the Baby: Wow! Most babies have doubled their birth weight by then. This rapid growth stops around 12 months.
(Maybe) Crawling: Many 8-month-olds are either almost ready or just starting to crawl. You can encourage crawling by placing an object your baby likes a few inches in front of them. If they’re ready, they may lean toward it and start crawling….
Feet Prepare for Walking: Two things happen ahead of your baby walking. One, they get pigeon-toed, which will improve their balance. And two, your baby’s feet will appear “flat” – this is an extra layer of fat that protects their feet when they take their first halting steps. Both developments will fade as your baby begins to walk.
An 8-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
“Talking” Like a Champ: While an 8-month-old isn’t talking, they may say the sounds that will become simple words, such as “mama” or “dada”.
Wave “Bye-Bye”: In addition to waving goodbye, many 8-month-olds can shake “no” and communicate with other simple physical gestures.
An 8-Month-Old’s Motor Milestones:
Reaching and Maybe Gripping: An 8-month-old baby can often lean forward and grip larger objects in their hands
Rolling Over: Most 8-month-olds can roll over both ways, front-to-back or back-to-front.
An 8-Month’s Old’s Sensorial Milestones:
Hearing Improves: Your baby’s hearing is still improving – another great reason to talk to them whenever possible. One tip: narrate your actions. For example, if you’re making pasta, say, “Now I’m going to heat up the water. This will boil it for the pasta.”
Vision Sharpens: Your baby’s distance vision will improve around 8-months, too.
Holding and Passing: An 8-month-old’s hand-eye coordination is also improving – they’ll aim for an object and be able to grab it.
An 8-Month-Old’s Cognitive Milestones:
Expanded Vocabulary: Your baby may know more words now, even if they can’t say them. For example, if you ask, “Where’s the doggy,” your baby may point to the family pet.
Object Permanence: A huge 8 is that your baby will start to understand object permanence – that objects continue to exist even when out of sight. This is a big cognitive milestone that’s worth celebrating – but which also can bring some totally normal separation anxiety. This can lead to some sleep regressions .
For information on an 8-month-old’s sleep schedule, read our article on the topic .
A 9-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 9-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
A Baby Belly: As your baby prepares to stand, you’ll notice their belly and bottom both stick out a little. This is their body creating balance for when they begin walking.
Moving and Shaking: By 9 months many babies are crawling or scooting – the movements that lead to walking. Note: Some babies skip crawling and go straight to cruising.
Hand “Trading” and “Raking”: As your baby’s motor skills improve, they do two things: one, move objects from one hand to the other; and two, “rake” food toward themselves at mealtime.
Reacts to Your Presence or Absence: You will likely notice your baby responding more to your presence or absence. When you, or someone else they love, leave, your baby will look for you. When you or someone returns, they’ll show excitement!
Sitting Solo: While some babies can sit up alone earlier, for some it’s closer to 9-months.
A 9-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
“Lift Me”: Your baby won’t be talking yet, but many 9-month-olds expand their gesture vocabulary to include raising their arms to be held.
Knows Their Name: By 9-months most babies will respond to their name.
A 9-Month-Old’s Sensorial Milestones:
Smelling Something: Your baby’s sense of smell begins to develop now. You can help – and learn your baby’s tastes – by letting them smell different objects or baby-safe substances.
A 9-Month-Old’s Motor Skill Milestones:
Pincer Grasp: The pincer grasp is your baby’s ability to grasp objects between their thumb and index finger. It begins around 4 months but will continue to improve as your baby grows.
A 9-Month-Old’s Cognitive and Emotional Milestones
Boredom: Your baby may become bored by familiar things. Engage them with slightly different versions of the same thing. The toy doesn’t need to be new or complicated – as long as it’s a bit different each time they play with it. For example, one afternoon give your baby a cereal box. The next day, give them that same box with the lid open, or torn off.
Recognizing Emotions: 9-month-olds can recognize your emotions, so try to be as happy and positive as possible when with your sweet one.
Shyness: If your baby is shy around strangers, that means they recognize familiar and unfamiliar people and places!
Click here to learn about a 9-month-old’s sleep schedule .

A 10-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 10-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Moving and Shaking: With their bodies and minds so well developed, most 10-month-olds are little wiggle-loves when they’re awake. They’re crawling, fidgeting, stretching, touching – all as they explore the world and strengthen their bodies and, yes, as they prepare to stand!
Standing: Your 10-month-old may now or soon start pulling themselves up to stand – incredible, yes, but they may need help sitting back down!
Cruising: If your baby can stand, they may soon cruise: guiding themselves around the furniture.
A 10-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
Improved “Vocabulary”: Your 10-month-old may start to say rudimentary versions of words. For example, “tata” for “teddy.” Encourage your baby’s linguistic development by gently correcting their pronunciation. When they say “tata,” you say, “yes, teddy.”
Action Mimicry: Your baby may mimic using objects like a hairbrush or toothbrush. Now is a great time to offer them their own spoon or cup during meals.
A 10-Month-Old’s Motor Skill Milestones:
Playing “Pick Up”: Your baby may be able to pick up and put down objects now. Strengthen this ability and their muscles by offering them small, wooden building blocks.
Pointing: Many 10-month-olds begin to point at objects or people they want, too.
A 10-Month-Old’s Cognitive Milestones:
Individualism Emerges More: Your baby’s personal likes and dislikes emerge more around 10-months, too. This is one of the many ways their individual personality will start to shine over the next few months – such a fun age!
Here’s a guide to a 10-month-old’s sleep schedule and routines .
An 11-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
An 11-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Growth: After months of rapid growth, an 11-month-old’s physical development slows.
Cruising: As your baby learns to stand, they’ll cruise: taking unsteady steps with the help of couches, tables, and, yes, you.
Walking: If you’re wondering “Can an 11-month-old walk?”, the answer is “yes, some 11-month-olds are walking, usually with support.” It’s alright if your little one isn’t walking yet - each baby is unique and develops at their own speed.
An 11-Month-Old’s Sensorial Milestones:
Getting Touchy: Your baby’s eyesight is steadily improving, and so is their sense of touch – they want to know what things feel like under their little fingers. Coupled with your baby’s increased mobility, your 11-month-old will explore anything and everything, so baby proof your house if you haven’t already.
Read the 11-Month-Old Sleep Schedule for more about your baby’s sleep at this age.
A 12-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
Happy birthday, baby – and congratulations parents!
A 12-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Slower Growth: After a year of very rapid growth, your baby’s weight and length will slower. By this point, their weight should be around triple their birth weight.
Time for the Dentist: While some parents and experts prefer you visit the dentist as soon as your baby’s first tooth appears, sometimes as early as 6 months, definitely take your baby for their first dentist visit by 12 months.
A 12-Month-Old’s Sensorial Milestones:
Vision Set: Your baby’s vision is now fully mature – they can focus, see long distances, and track objects with their eyes. If your baby does not do these things, consult your pediatrician.
A 12-Month-Old’s Movement Milestones:
Cruising On: By 12 months babies typically are standing with the help of furniture and cruising around, building their strength and balance for their first independent steps.
Self-Feeding: With improved hand-eye coordination and pincer grasp, most 12-month-olds can feed themselves – sure, they may miss their mouths from time-to-time, but they’re learning!
A 12-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
More Baby ‘Talk’: Your 12-month-old is potentially experimenting with new syllables. Help develop your baby’s verbal skills with talking, reading, and singing.
Knows “No”: Many 12-month-olds can understand and follow “no” when they’re doing something they shouldn’t. That doesn’t mean they’ll always listen – a 12-month-old will test their boundaries and independence.
A 12-Month-Old’s Cognitive Milestones:
Problem Solving: Many 12-month-olds can solve simple problems, like how to put something into a container. This is a good time to teach your baby to clean up their toys!
For information on a 12-month-old’s sleep schedule, read our article on the subject .
A 13-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 13-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Slowed Growth: After one year of super-fast growth, your baby’s weight, and length gains slow after 12 months.
A 13-Month-Old’s Movement Milestones
Toddling Begins: Toddling prepares your baby for walking in the months ahead. There will be a lot of trial and error, and your baby will fall often – and that’s okay! It’s all part of the process. In time your baby will have better balance and confidence.
Motor Skills Improve: Many 13-month-old can hold a cup and other objects with more strength and confidence.
Read A 13-Month-Old’s Sleep Schedule to learn when babies this age should go to sleep.
A 14-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 14-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
Learning Words and Meanings: After months of absorbing the world around them, your baby now understands what many objects do. For example, you may find your baby near the highchair when it’s time for a snack.
A 14-Month-Old’s Cognitive Milestones:
Independence Day(s): As your baby grows, they’ll test their limits, and yours. For example, they may disobey, or they’ll spend more time playing by themselves.
Separation Anxiety: Even as your baby becomes more independent, they may experience a fresh bout of separation anxiety. This is 100% normal – it shows that your baby understands object permanence.
A 14-Month-Old’s Motor Skill Milestones:
Self-Feeding: Many 14-month-olds have the motor skills and mentality to feed themselves, though will likely still miss more often than not.
Tip: Buy non-breakable dishes around now.
Read A 14-Month-Old’s Sleep Schedule to ensure your baby gets the rest they need – and if you haven’t sleep coached your 14-month-old, there’s still time: download the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ to get started.
A 15-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones
A 15-Month-Old’s Emotional Milestones:
Emotional Displays: Your baby understands their likes and dislikes now, so expect to see them clap when excited, show off objects they enjoy, and hug their favorite toy – or, conversely, reject things they dislike
Emotional Affection: Speaking of likes - expect more cuddles, hugs, and kisses as your baby expresses their love for you.
A 15-Month-Old’s Cognitive Milestones:
Object Mimicry: Your baby is still learning how things work, so the 14th month often includes using objects like a phone or book. Another common expression of this: hairbrushes – give your baby a hairbrush or comb and watch as they try to do their hair!
A 15-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Climbing: As they grow stronger and more curious, expect your baby to climb objects like couches, bureaus, or anything else they can grip. That said, keep a watchful eye on your baby now and secure tall and heavy objects to the wall or floor.
A 15-Month-Old’s Language/Communication Milestones:
Expanded Vocabulary: At 15-months, many babies will try to say one or two words besides “mama” or “dada,” like “ba” for ball or “da” for dog.
Knows Names: Many 15-month-olds know the names for specific objects or people.
Follows Instruction: Most 15-month-olds can follow simple directions. For example, “Give me the toy.”
Asks for Help: As their problem-solving and communication skills improve, many 15-month-olds will point or otherwise gesture to indicate they need help.
Here is a guide to a 15-Month-Old’s Sleep Schedule to help keep your baby’s sleep on track.
A 16-Month-Old’s Milestones:
A 16-Month-Old’s Emotional and Cognitive Milestones:
Social Yet Selfish: This is an interesting time for your baby – they’re more interested in other children but can also be completely selfish – trying to take toys from other kids, for example. To encourage sharing and friendship, put out plenty of extra toys when your baby has friends over, and help your baby learn about sharing by showing them how.
Separation Anxiety Continues: Your 16-month-old may experience stronger or more frequent separation anxiety. If your baby shows signs of separation anxiety, there are many ways to reduce your baby’s separation anxiety – including peek-a-boo!
Problem Solving Improves: Your baby will be curious about how things work, from cabinet doors to elevator buttons, so keep a close eye that they don’t get into anything dangerous, like under the sink. You can encourage your baby’s problem-solving powers with age-appropriate toys like an activity cube.
For information on a 16-month-old’s sleep schedule , read our article on the subject.
A 17-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones
A 17-Month-Old’s Linguistic Milestones:
Active Verbs: Your baby’s understanding of their bodies and language comes together as they begin to use active verbs, such as “go” and “jump.” They may also understand directional terms, such as “up,” “in,” “out,” or “down.” Watch for these two developments to converge with phrases like “I jump down.”
Expanded Vocabulary: Your toddler will also learn the words for common objects, such as “ball” or “table.”
Note: It’s alright if your baby isn’t saying these words yet –this is not a baby development checklist. All babies develop at their own rate!
A 17-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Getting Handsy: Around now you may notice your baby gripping better – so much so they may be able to hold a crayon or roll clay on a table. Make sure not to leave small objects around, like coins or jewelry, as this could be a hazard.
To ensure your 17-month-old gets the sleep they need, read the 17-Month-Old Sleep Schedule .
An 18-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones
An 18-Month-Old’s Motor Skill Milestones:
Scribbling with Confidence: Most 18-month-olds can hold a marker or crayon. That said, be sure to watch your walls!
Look, Lid! By 18 months many babies can drink from a cup without a lid!
An 18-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Stair Climbing: If there are stairs in your house, your baby has probably been going up and down them. Now, with that practice, they’ll be more confident, so be sure to keep a close eye and keep the baby gate closed. If your baby doesn’t have much experience with stairs, practice with them at a park or mall – someplace where there’s room for them to have space and you not to hinder foot traffic.
Mimics Actions: Your baby’s power of mimicry continues to develop in their 18th month. Watch as they mimic things you do, such as wipe a table or pick up toys.
Points at Interesting Things: Your baby will more frequently point to objects they want to inspect.
An 18-Month-Old’s Cognitive Milestones:
Self-Awareness Increases: Most 18-month-olds know their name and have a sense of individualism. With that knowledge, your baby will become more independent and take more interest in their bodies, self-care – like bathing themselves – and even their outfits.
Says “No”: Now that your baby understands the word “no,” and is more independent, prepare to hear “no” a lot in the months ahead. (This can present some challenges at sleep time; just remember to stay strong and assertive about bedtime and bedtime routines to keep your baby’s sleep on track. The Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ has great advice on how to handle protests at night.)
Follows Directions: Your baby will also become better at following instructions. Help them learn how to follow instructions, and how things work, by involving them in simple chores.
Ensure your baby gets all the sleep they need by following our 18-month-old sleep schedule .
A 19-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones
A 19-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
Saying More Words: Your 19-month-old will begin to use new words, usually words they hear often, such as the terms for their favorite toys, people, or parts of the body.
Read the 19-month-old sleep schedule to make sure your baby is getting the rest they need.
A 20-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 20-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Walking Like a Pro: Alright, “like a pro” is an overstatement, but you may notice that your toddler is taking more confident, balanced steps. That means running starts soon! Prepare to keep up!
A 20-Month-Old’s Cognitive Milestones:
Less Impulse Control: Your baby is learning about their likes and dislikes but doesn’t understand right and wrong yet. This can lead to impulsive behavior – for example, grabbing at a glass object. If your baby is doing something wrong or dangerous, be gentle but firm when explaining the right way to do things. This is the perfect opportunity to start setting behavioral boundaries.
Speaking of boundaries, keep your 20-month-old’s sleep on track by following the 20-month-old sleep schedule .
A 21-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 21-Month-Old’s Mental and Social Milestones:
Hiding, Seeking, and Remembering: when your baby was learning about object permanence? Well, all they’ve learned and absorbed begins to show itself, no pun intended, when your baby starts playing hiding games, like hide and go seek, both with objects and themselves. Now that they understand things continue to exist when out of sight, they love to make things “disappear” and squeal with delight when they’re found!
Imagination Time! Many babies this age begin to play pretend. They’ll pretend talk on the phone, pretend cook, and pretend walk the dog – anything they see you do; they will pretend to do themselves.
Possessiveness Emerges: “Mine” will be a word that enters your baby’s vocabulary around now. This can lead to some selfishness – but this is easily correct with firm but gentle lessons on sharing.
Your 21-month-old still needs plenty of rest – keep them on track by following the 21-month-old sleep schedule .
A 22-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones
A 22-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Tippy-Toes: Your little one is curious and becoming more confident on their feet. These two developments often inspire them to start standing on their tiptoes. This is an important physical and mental development but can also lead to some grabbing from counters, so push objects a few extra inches onto the counter or shelf.
A 22-Month-Old’s Cognitive and Social Milestones:
Instruction Following: Many 22-month-olds can now follow simple instructions.
Bossing: Some 22-month-olds can be a bit bossy. If your baby gets too bossy, be sure to let them know they have to ask for things nicely and can’t always get their way.
A 22-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
“Repeat After Me”: Around now babies learn how to repeat words, which means this is a great time to expand their vocabulary. Note: Be careful what you say, especially four-letter words. Those can stick very easily.
Make sure your 22-month-old gets the rest they need by following the 22-month sleep schedule .
A 23-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
A 23-Month-Old’s Physical and Emotional Milestones:
Stairway to Anywhere: Many 23-month-olds will soon be or already are climbing stairs, so be sure you have baby gates and be extra watchful of a baby who’s obsessed with steps.
Motor Skills on the Move: Your baby may now scribble more confidently, open and dump out containers, or use building blocks.
Lefty or Righty? You may also notice your baby using their left or right hand more. That said, whatever preference they have now may change in time.
A 23-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
Saying More Phrases: Your baby may start to say a few simple phrases now. Wow!
Willfulness: Your baby’s emerging independence can lead to some stubbornness or bossiness. If you encounter this, gently but firmly correct your baby’s behavior.
A 23-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Taller and Leaner: Baby fat melts away as your baby gets taller, their jawline becomes more defined, and they look less like a baby and more like a little kid!
To make sure your 23-month-old gets the sleep they need for their age, read our 23-month-old sleep schedule .
A 24-Month-Old’s Developmental Milestones:
Happy 2 nd birthday to your baby!
A 24-Month-Old’s Communication Milestones:
Simple Requests: Your 2-year-old may make simple requests, such as “more milk.” This is a great time to teach your baby about please and thank you, too.
Blowing Kisses: Your baby may now blow kisses and make other “complex” gestures.
A 24-Month-Old’s Physical Milestones:
Playing Ball: By 2-years most babies can kick a slow ball.
Running: Wow! Less than a year after learning how to walk, most 24-month-olds run with confidence. Prepare to chase after!
Walking Up Stairs: A 24-month-old can walk up the stairs with better balance and confidence.
Knobs and Switches: Your baby will also become more interested in knobs, switches, and buttons. If you haven’t already baby-proofed your stove, now is the time.
A 24-Month-Old’s Emotional Milestones:
Empathy: Your baby now understands different emotions, including when someone’s upset. This helps them develop the power of empathy - watch as they exercise this empathy by trying to help soothe an upset friend or sibling.
Let the Tantrums Begin: A less exciting development - many 2-year-olds begin to throw tantrums, typically when they don’t get their way. This is “the terrible twos.”
Though they can be unsettling, tantrums are perfectly natural: they are feeling a lot of emotions they can’t always express. This results in a wave of frustration. Note: Tantrums are more likely if your baby is hungry or tired. Help prevent tantrums by making sure your baby is getting all the sleep they need for their age – something that’s easy if you use a tool like the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ .
And review the 24-month-old sleep schedule to ensure your little one gets the rest they need.
How To Support Your Baby’s Development:
As your little one continues to grow, remember that they are a little individual who goes at their own pace. Fear not if your baby is still learning some skills; they’ll get there in time – especially if you use the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™. It will help you and your little one stay on top of their sleep – an essential ingredient to your baby’s long-term health .