Newborn gassiness is inevitable throughout the first few months of life – and sometimes it may affect sleep.
Some of the main causes of gas in newborns swallowing air, which can happen when eating and crying – and newborns do both...a lot! Also, normal and healthy gut microbes in newborns can produce gas while aiding in food digestion, and a newborn may have difficulty moving that gas out.
If you're wondering what to do if your gassy baby can’t sleep, this article is for you! Here we share guidance on how to help a gassy baby sleep at night, how to ease newborn gas, and answer common questions such as “What are positions to relieve gas in babies”, “What is the best sleeping position for gassy baby?”, and “When do babies outgrow gas pains?” We also go over the differences between newborn gas and colic.
Why is My Baby So Gassy at Night?
There are different reasons why you may have a gassy baby a night. It's important to know that gas in newborns is to be expected and should resolve with time as they grow and develop.
You may notice that your newborn farts a lot and is very gassy throughout the first few months of life. This is normal as their digestive system develops and gets used to digesting breast milk and formula. This will improve over time.
While gas is common for everyone, your baby’s gut is teeny-tiny, so even the smallest amount of gas can feel like a lot.
Sometimes gas may feel be worse for newborns at night because they’re less active. As a baby becomes more mobile, gas has an easier time escaping on its own. During the newborn stage this is another reason why ensuring your baby gets tummy time during the day is so important.
Swallowing air
In addition to natural digestive development, a gassy newborn can be caused by swallowing air, which happens often, such as when eating or crying. Since a baby eats and cries a lot, lots of gas can get trapped!
Painful gas in newborns is tough, so burping during and after feeds is important to let gas escape. Also, making sure your baby is latching well to a bottle or your breast can help prevent taking in more air than needed.
If your baby is breastfeeding, you shouldn’t be able to see their tongue or your areola – if you do, your baby may swallow more air, leading to more gas.
Colic is a common condition when your baby cries for no apparent reason. Gassiness in newborns is a symptom that many babies, including those with colic, may experience.
So, what are the differences between gas and colic? Baby gas and colic can present in many of the same ways – your baby cries, pulls their knees to their chest, or becomes red in the face. However, colic is the condition, and gassiness is a potential symptom.
Reach out to your healthcare provider if you think your baby is experiencing colic or is uncomfortable from gas.
How to Help a Gassy Newborn Sleep
For newborn gassiness, patience is key – they often grow out of colic or gassiness.
However, trapped wind in babies at night (or any time of day really) can be uncomfortable and affect sleep – which can be difficult for everyone.
Here are ways to help relieve gassy newborn and soothe them, so they fall asleep.
- Burp After Feeding: If one burping position doesn’t work, try another position.
- Contact Naps: If your gassy baby is under 3 or 4 months old, consider contact naps to help them sleep. Many newborns prefer to sleep when held, so if they are uncomfortable, this could help.
- Pacifiers: Many parents wonder, “Do pacifiers help with has?” While they won’t reduce or move gas, if your baby takes a pacifier, it can help calm them enough, so they fall asleep.
- Swaddle: You can help soothe your newborn by swaddling. In addition to applying gentle pressure to their stomach, swaddling relaxes baby, which may help them calm enough to lull them to sleep.(If they are older than 2 months, or are showing signs of rolling over, stop swaddling. Leaving a baby swaddled after they can roll over one way is dangerous. Learn more about when to stop swaddling and how to swaddle safely.
- Tummy Time: In addition to helping a baby get rid of gas during the day, tummy time creates some heat on the belly which also can alleviate newborn gas pain and gas accumulation before they are put down on their back for sleep.
- Baby massage: Gently massaging your baby’s belly while they’re on their back can help relieve pressure and relax them for sleep. Wondering how to tummy massage?
- Switch Formulas: If a new formula isn’t alleviating gas in newborns, many healthcare providers will recommend trying another formula or more gentle version.
- Avoid Certain Foods, if Nursing: There are some foods that can cause breast milk to cause increased gassiness in some babies such as cabbage, onions, spicy or hot foods, or dairy. If your baby is exceptionally gassy or uncomfortable, and you’re nursing, speak to your healthcare provider about whether cutting out the following foods could help.
Best Sleeping Position for Gassy Baby
Babies under 12-months-old should always be put down on their back, whether they are gassy or not. This not only keeps them safest at night – back sleeping is also the best way for gassy babies to sleep (and all babies, even those with reflux)! If your baby is gassy and won’t stay on their back or sleep, remove them from their crib and try to burp them again. Newborns may sleep better when held for some naps, if you’re able to.
If still your gassy baby won’t sleep at night, speak to your healthcare provider to see if they have other recommendations. Don’t offer your baby gripe water, baby gas drops, or any other medication without speaking to your healthcare provider first.
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When Do Newborn Babies Stop Getting Gas?
When do babies outgrow gas pains depends. Most babies will continue to have gas or burp throughout their life, and that “newborn stomach bubbling” feeling that is uncomfortable likely will appear again. Gas in infants may present differently than in newborns, though, as they are introduced to solid foods. Toddlers pass gas all the do adults!
However, newborns often become much better at burping after 2 months, which can ease symptoms and help relieve gas if it’s uncomfortable. As your baby becomes more mobile, gas also has an easier time escaping.
Final Thoughts
No one likes to see their newborn uncomfortable, but unfortunately many babies do experience gas at the beginning of their life that can affect their sleep.
The best way to help a newborn with gas sleep is to soothe them. You can also burp your baby before putting them to sleep; if your go-to burp method doesn’t work, try another position.
In addition to helping your baby relieve their trapped gas, remaining calm and offering comfort can soothe your baby enough for sleep. The gas may escape on its own.
If you have any concerns that your baby’s food may be disagreeing with them or that their gas may be more serious, make sure to discuss it with your healthcare provider at one of your wellness checks. While painful gas in newborns can be normal, if your gassy baby won’t sleep regardless of what you do, there may be other avenues to explore to help them feel better and ensure they get the rest they need.